Herniated Discs, Arthritis, Disc Degeneration

Scoliosis Therapy Schroth, SEAS and Lyon Method

Individualized Plans of Care

Herniated Discs, Arthritis, Disc Degeneration
Excellence in
Physical Therapy
We Treat
Scoliosis All ages
Sports Injuries (ACL, Meniscus, Labrum)
Neck and Back Pain
Muscle Pain, Soreness and Cramping
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis/Tears and Repairs
Post Surgical Rehab (Shoulder, Knee, Spine)
Total Hip, Knee, Shoulder& Ankle Replacements
Foot and Ankle injuries
Disc Conditions (DDD, HNP)
Plantar Fasciitis
Tennis Elbow & Golfers Elbow
Achilles Tendonitis, Tears & Repairs
ACL Pre and Post Rehab
Chronic Pain and Arthritic Pain
Pickleball Injuries
Balance Disorders
Trigger Points
ITB Syndrome
Compartment Syndrome
Frozen Shoulder
Cervical & Lumbar Radicular Pain

World Class Physical Therapy
Here at OSPT you can expect to receive premier treatment, customer service, and one to one care every time.
You will be impressed by the professionalism and knowledge of our entire staff as well as their ability to provide a caring, comfortable atmosphere for you to heal. Our friendly encouragement will help foster a positive attitude towards your rehabilitation, which will ultimately lead to extraordinary results.

What to Expect
Our Individualized care begins with your initial appointment where you will be evaluated and treated by a physical therapist on the same day.
Based on your unique needs a treatment plan, and home exercise program will be customized for you.
Subsequent visits will consist of hands on treatment and supervised therapeutic exercises from your therapist.